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Synthesis of Visioning 


During the 2016-17 program year, we asked the questions:
"Where do we come from? Who are we? Were are we going?"
We mapped our congregation and studied demographics.
We identified four shared values to shape our ministries.

In worship services and a visioning event, we explored these values and what vision for the future of UUCFL they inspired. This document is a synthesis of those processes and the reflections of the Board of Trustees and Committee on Ministry on what you have said thus far. It encapsulates what we have heard and poses questions about what our goals might be to achieve our highest aspirations and address our deepest concerns. Please give feedback and ideas to members of the Committee on Ministry (Annette Vafa, Larry W, Grandfather, and Rev. Susan), comment through our UUCFL-Blog Facebook page, send Rev. Susan an email at  
If you want to be involved in active planning,  please show up for the All Committee Night on Third Mondays at 6:30pm to join the worker bees who will turn our ideas into goals and plans. Thanks for all of your participation thus far and for ongoing support of our religious community.

Click Here for SYNTHESIS OF VISIONING EVENT & QUESTIONS FOR GOALSETTING sheet to help prepare your thoughts.

Click Here for 2016-2017 UUCFL ANNUAL REPORT to see some of the things we have accomplished and future goals.

Rev. Susan

                                                                                         2810 Griffin Road
                                                                              Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312




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