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Teen Group at UUCFL

Our teens (ages 13-18) are fully involved in our congregation and have variety on Sunday mornings. They might attend the service,  help out with the younger kids, or just hang out!! There are also activities that occur at times other than Sunday mornings and may include social service, or just social fun.

There are also opportunities for our teens to connect with teens from our other area UU Congregations.  At these conferences(CONS) that they plan with just some adult guidance (and plenty of adult supervision) are times for sharing ideas, creating projects and enjoying time together.

We also sometimes go on a UU Heritage trip to Boston with our teen group. This trip features visits to UU historical sights, the Unitarian Universalist Association headquarters and other significant sites in and around Boston, as well as just some fun stuff, like the famous Duck Boat tour. We are continuing with our ongoing fundraising efforts to raise the money to support this trip.

                                                                                         2810 Griffin Road
                                                                              Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312




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