Social Justice
UUCFL is a force in the quest of justice for all.
Our outreach takes many forms and you can be a part of the changes you want to see in our world.
You will frequently find members and friends of the congregation at peaceful rallies, demonstrations and sit-ins in the name of social justice.
Our causes are many and are usually centered around the most marginalized among us, animals and the environment, and human rights.
We walk the streets in marches, lobby our local state and federal leaders and stage events to bring our UU voices to anywhere injustice is found
Here are some of the groups and organizations that we work with, locally, nationally and internationally in the areas of Social Justice:
UUCFL works closely with LifeNet4Families | Cooperative Feeding Program. The program has over 29 years of service to the hungry and homeless of Broward County. They feed hungry bodies, minds and souls – apart from hot meals, the children, women and men receive classes in life skills, they have access to job training, health clinics, haircuts, etc.
At UUCFL we collect food in the baskets in our lobby, work in the kitchen and warehouse on Broward Blvd, support with the "Filling Empty Bowls" fundraiser and our driveway is used for weekly mass food distribution by LifeNet4Families.
UUCFL is a member of Broward Organized Leaders Doing Justice
(BOLD Justice). It is an organization of religious congregations throughout Broward County which are working together to solve critical community problems. BOLD is not a service provider, but a grassroots, direct action, multi-issued organization, which has come to be a powerful force for improving the quality of life in our community.
BOLD Justice has worked hard for Broward County and made strides in the areas of education, local workforce investment, affordable housing, mortgage restructuring, streamlining the drug court system for non-violent drug offenders, and greater police protection in high-crime areas.

Filling Empty Bowls
Once a year, our congregation and other faith organizations host fundraising soup suppers for the Lifenet4Families. We make different soups and serve them in ceramic bowls that are kept as a reminder of those who often don’t have enough to eat. Our kids help with set up, serving, clean up, and even soup making. This is a favorite family event.
Proceeds benefit LifeNet4Families Cooperative Feeding Program.

Immigrant Justice
Supporting human rights for all people, especially those most vulnerable, is a core Unitarian Universalist value. The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has along history of support for migrant workers, refugees, and other displaced peoples.Unitarian Universalists (UUs) across the country are joining with interfaith and immigrant justice partners to continue to stand on the side of love and advocate for immigration reform, employment rights and to stop detentions and deportations.

LGBTQ Rights
UUCFL is a Welcoming Congregation for people of all people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Through our National UU Standing on the Side of Love campaign we amplify the voices of the oppressed through online media; we show up in partnership at justice events across the country; we lobby national leaders on immigration reform, equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, religious freedom, and more; and above all we work to make love real in the world. Locally UUCFL has an Interweave group for LGBTQ people and straight allies and we participate in events and the annual Pride Fest.

Each year around the holidays their is a feeling of joy and giving.
At a time of year when so many children are dreaming of what Santa Claus will bring them for Christmas, children in foster care are simply
hoping someone will remember them this holiday. We help make
wishes come true. We receive wish lists from children here in Broward County along with their age and gender, and we pick items on their list or to use our imagination and choose our own special gift to be presented to each child for this magical season.

Guest at Your Table
Every November, we contribute money equivalent to feeding a guest in special boxes on our dining tables. Funds go to worldwide projects and services performed by the international Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). The UUSC acts around the world to enable and empower people in great need through their many programs of hope.

Interfaith Worker Justice
South Florida Interfaith Worker Justice (SFIWJ) is an association of many diverse religious leaders throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties who respond to the crisis of the working poor. Established in 1998,
SFIWJ is one of over 60 affiliates of the national Interfaith Worker Justice network. The mission is to improve the wages, benefits, and employment conditions of the workers, especially the low-wage workers of South Florida. and those victimized by social injustice.