Religious Education
We teach the inherent worth and dignity of all beings, so we work for justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. We are all moral agents, capable of making a difference in the world, so we teach about challenging structures of oppression and promoting the health and well-being of the earth. We take seriously the Golden Rule and the call to let our lives preach louder than our words.
Religious Education for All Ages
Our children learn about the scriptures, deities, holy days and customs of a variety of world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Native American religions.
Our children also learn that belief in God is not necessary for living a good and meaningful life.
Through these studies, we show our children that there are many spiritual paths that people take to find meaning, and no one path works for everyone.
In Unitarian Universalism, Revelation is never sealed. We are constantly learning even as adults. Several Adult Religious Education Class offerings are made throughout the year - some taught by our minister, some by members of the congregation and some by outside sources.
Our Library is also full of resources on many topics of interest and is open and available to enrich your spiritual search.
Children do not become spiritual beings by just being in a class on Sunday mornings. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe our faith should permeate our whole lives. The ways our children absorb our Principles and Purposes and our ideas are varied, but we believe there are three ways that are critical.

Outside Education
Education does not end at our doors. The world has a lot to teach us and learn from us. On occasion we may organize an outing to places of awakening, and mind opening experiences.
Our national organization, the Unitarian Universalist Association provides many opportunities to gain knowledge and wisdom including an Annual General Assembly which attracts UU and free thinkers from all over the world for a week long gathering. Our Southeast Region and local UU Cluster organize events and other popular summer and winter programs are offered for joy and enlightenment