The Sunshine Cluster's Annual Meeting, keynote, and workshop with Peter Bowden will feature simple strategies for growing congregations in a complex digital world.
The internet has transformed how people research, explore, and make decisions. This includes how people connect with congregations. Peter's keynote will share how the internet has changed human behavior and why this calls on us to change how we approach outreach, hospitality, and membership development. After our Annual Meeting Peter will lead a one-hour program sharing specific strategies for supporting newcomers and growing our congregations today.
See attached flier.
The Sunshine Cluster's Annual Meeting and Program will be on Saturday, November 4, at 1pm via Zoom.
Free. To Register go to
From simple communication and website changes to harnessing the power of online video, this program is for people of all abilities. Bring a pen and paper for taking notes, open mind for taking in new ideas, and an open heart for those we might welcome into our congregations.