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Season of Changes at UUCFL

Writer: Marty McAnultyMarty McAnulty

In September we begin our Congregational year with many new beginnings. We will have a new pianist starting soon. And on September 23rd we will be voting on Bylaws revisions and a name change. Susan Dirgins-Friend and Robert Smith will be directing choir. New beginnings are always a little unsettling and exciting at the same time, but we move forward. You can never stand still; the universe and Murphy will not allow it. So in our changing times, why not pick an area of congregational life which you would like to make a difference in or help out. It doesn’t have to be much, but to make our community function, many hands make light work.

Another thing I’ve been thinking about is a potluck once a month either on a Sunday or maybe another night of the week. I believe we should get to know each other more on a social level, not only among ourselves but with other groups that make up our community, such as the Pagans, Black Lives Matter, the Democratic club, the Baptists: all those who share our space and ideals, though they may walk a different path. As Francis David (also known as Ferenc Dávid) said, "We need not think alike to love alike." What do you think? Let me know. Namaste and Blessings, Marty McAnulty President


                                                                                         2810 Griffin Road
                                                                              Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312



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