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SE Cluster Assembly & Annual Meeting is Nov 14 - 11AM

Writer: WebmasterWebmaster

Updated: Nov 19, 2020


The SE FL Cluster will have its Virtual Annual Meeting on Saturday, 14 November at about 11am. Starting at the conclusion of the Southern Region "Turn, Turn, Turn" Assembly. I have attached the Notice of Meeting, the Budget, the Slate, the Agenda and the Minutes from our Annual Meeting in 2019. 

The Zoom link for our meeting will be sent out later.

Incentive to Register for “Turn, Turn, Turn” on Saturday, Nov. 14 Your SE Florida Cluster is offering an incentive for you to attend the exciting Turn, Turn, Turn—A Day of Companionship, Collaboration, and Learning,a virtual webinar, hosted by the Southern Region Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) on Saturday, Nov. 14 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  In lieu of holding our customary Annual Fall Program, the SE Florida Cluster will cover the cost for forty (40) individuals($20@each) to attend this online regional assembly.  So register today!  This pay option is open to all, and we encourage those who are most able and willing to pay their own way to do so—the conference will certainly be worth it.  Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, UUA president, will offer the keynote address and workshops offered by Southern Region staff include:  · “Where Do We Go From Here?”: Rev. Nato Hollister and Kathy McGowan · “To Every Season”: Co-Leads Connie Goodbread and Natalie Briscoe · “A Time To Build Up”: Cameron Young and Lillian Drab-Braddick   Click here to register for Turn Turn Turn: A Virtual Regional Assembly of the Southern Region UUA. 1. To access the SE Cluster option: register and click out when the system takes you to PayPal.  2. To pay your own way, register and proceed to PayPal.  Please email Kathy Charles or Jessica Curran for any questions.



                                                                                         2810 Griffin Road
                                                                              Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312



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