Hello, UUCFL!
I’m Rev. Dr. Catherine Cullen----I am your new minister!!
Your leadership has paid me the honor of selecting me to serve as your contract minister----and am I excited. I have met some of your lay leaders (your Board, your Sunday Service Team and of course, your Search Committee) and I look forward to meeting all of you, individually and collectively, as we plan the future for your small but mighty congregation.
A little about me—in July I completed a 19 -year ministry at a program size church south of Boston. Prior to that I was an Interim at a small church in Rhode Island. I helped them call their first settled minister and within five years the congregation doubled in size and they bought their own building. Prior to THAT I was a trial attorney in Boston. My late husband David and I raised a blended family of six kids (all grown and somewhat scattered across the country). When I arrive in Florida I’ll be with an adorable three-year-old Aussie doodle mini named Cooper---he’s excited too!
My friends, I’m a believer that Unitarian Universalism is THE religion for our times. I know there are folx in the community who need to find us. I see one of my primary tasks in our shared ministry as helping you all to let the light of UUCFL shine—and, I know it will!!
My stuff is all packed, I’ll be in Florida by next week, and I am ready—see ya soon…
Rev. Catherine