The life of the man named Jesus offers us an example, a model of how we can live…
There were many holy men and healers in Jesus' day, as there have been many since.
Yet something about this human being has kept his name and his story alive for 2,000
years. …In some way beyond comprehension, beyond facile explanations, the spirit of
this man lives on..—Rev Erik Walker Wikstrom
Dear Friends
This is the Christmas season, a time for us to reflect upon the life and message of
Jesus of Nazareth. As Unitarian Universalists we claim a special relationship with
the Jewish and Christian traditions— we say that our sources include Jewish and
Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors
as ourselves.
These days I often wonder where some of the so-called “Christians” in our nation
get their ideas about the teachings of the gentle, loving rabbi who invites us all to
love one another.
Join us Christmas Eve (Sunday December 24) at the special time of 6:00pm for a service of stories and carols featuring some of our UUCFL Musicians, Singers and of course - YOU…
See ya then!
Rev. Catherine