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July 9 - Last Official Activity at Current UUCFL Building - Picnic/Workday Moving Prep

Writer: WebmasterWebmaster

Yes, it is really happening. As we quickly approach the closing on our current property (as of now July 27) we are prepping our very last official in the building activity. It will take place Saturday July 9 starting at 10:00am and go until we go!! It is planned as a combination picnic and work day where we will really need all hands to help pack things inside and out and make sure we are not forgetting anything that is near and dear to us and/or of practical use to us in our new location(TBA). Please bring a dish to share and some stories to tell. We all move forward together. Let's all work to close this chapter and look toward the new exciting times for UUCFL



                                                                                         2810 Griffin Road
                                                                              Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312



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