Free Southeast UU Cluster Event
” We humans face a defining choice: transition to a civilization dedicated to care for one another
and the living Earth or bear the consequences.
What might that future look like?
How might we get there?
And what might be the role of religion?” David Korten
David Korten, author of “The Great Turning” will speak by video at the
SE UU Cluster's Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 15 at 1:30 pm
Ecological Civilization: Earth, Religion and the Human Future
David envisions "an Ecological Civilization where human potential is maximized. And domination is minimized.”
To register for this free event please reply to seuucluster@gmail.com
with your name, congregation or organization and email address.
What is your vision of a better world, an Ecological Civilization where we address the
climate crisis, social injustice and economic inequality? Click Here for Full Information and Registration