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BOLD Justice Gears Up for 2019

We hope you’ve been enjoying a wonderful holiday season.  Please be sure to note the following dates of BOLD Justice meetings and events on your 2019 calendars.  The Nehemiah Action itself has been changed to Monday, April 8th.  This works better for St. David’s and we need that space.  We’ve got lots of work to do before that.  To help us move into high gear, Paige Shortsleeves, the new Associate Organizer at BOLD Justice, has agreed to be our guest speaker at our Sunday Service on February 3rd.  If possible, please attend that service.  Paige should help deepen our understanding of the philosophy behind community organizing as a form of nonviolent social action.  Then we’ll scale our four Listening Sessions down to two BOLD Justice Ministry Network Meetings.  We need EVERY Network Member to attend one of those meetings:  Sunday, February 17, 2019 - 1:00pm Thursday, February 20, 2019 - 9:00pm Paige will be one of the presenters at those meetings.  We’ll get progress reports on the implementation of promises made to BOLD Justice last year as well as information about the direction were taking on this year’s issues.  You’ll also get a lot of help with your recruitment efforts for the Nehemiah Action.     So save the date, mark your calendars and get ready to Stand Bold  -   for Justice! Betty Brantley, Marie Turner, Mary Zalaznik For More information visit

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