Beltane celebrates the vitality of Spring and Summer.
Join us this May Day for our Ritual.
Start time is 6PM. (earlier than usual)
Please stay after the Beltane Ritual, for an Honoring and Farewell to our Sacred Space: https://fb.me/e/39uCUU43I
This Moonpath CUUPs Beltane Ritual is meeting in person at the UUCFL. We are gathering on the back patio, and around the fire. Please come join us in person if you can, or join us on Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85012559581...
COVID safety measures: We are gathering outside. Please bring a masks. As long as you remain socially distanced, you may choose to remove your mask. Masks must be worn if entering the building, and when within close proximity to others.