Stewardship Expectations of Members
(Based on text from: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville, Florida)
Our expectations of members are summed up in the "four P’s" mentioned below:
Presence, Participation, Practice, and Pledge.
♥Presence. We expect our members to attend worship services regularly unless special circumstances prevent. We value your presence, and miss you when you're not there.
♥Participation. We expect our members to participate in the life of UUCFL: to join a committee, teach a class (children, youth, or adult), be active in an RE class, sing with the choir, join a covenant group, get involved with special projects, help with Sunday greeting or coffee set-up and clean-up, or be an office volunteer. Find the form and level of participation that works for you.
♥Practice. We expect our members to practice their religion. This may be done through spiritual practices of meditation, prayer, or ritual; through social action for peace and justice; through active caring and ministry to one another — or any deliberate personal program to embody Unitarian Universalist principles in daily life. Unitarian Universalism is a faith which calls on us to live it in all aspects of life. If you were accused of being a Unitarian Universalist, would there be enough evidence for a conviction? We expect members to provide ample evidence every day.
♥Pledge. We expect our members to support financially the vision and the dreams of our Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Lauderdale by making a pledge of regular contributions.