Food Collection for LifeNet4Families
UUCFL has been a long time advocate for LifeNet4Families, the Broward County Cooperative Feeding Program. Our Sisterhood has taken on the task
of sorting and transporting the food we collect that is distributed weekly to families in need. We collect thousands of pounds of food every year.
We ask everyone to participate by visiting the station in the lobby, taking a shopping bag with directions on what items are needed most and returning
them to the station when you are done.
Currently UUCFL runs drive up food drop off at our building on 4th Sundays after service. We thank you for your help
Contact Kathy Mostel

A Look at LifeNet4Families

What LifeNet4Families Needs from UUCFL
Our ability to meet the needs of our neighbors is a direct result of a generous community. We receive food donations from a wide variety of groups and local businesses. We receive financial assistance from individuals, corporations and foundations. Our volunteers are the heart of our organization, providing a positive experience for our clients.
How can you help? Food drives, year round, continue to be the best way to keep our shelves stocked with good food choices.
If you take on the food drive challenge, ask for non-perishable canned foods, peanut butter, healthy low sugar cereal, shelf stable milk and brown rice. We also need new socks and underwear for all.