Benefits of Membership at
Unitarian Universalist Ccongregation
of Fort Lauderdale (UUCFL)
When you join UUCFL, you obtain rights available only to members.
You deepen your involvement in and commitment to leading and sustaining our ccongregational community.
You also grow and experience fellowship.
A brief description of some of the benefits of membership follows.
♥Rights to vote and hold office.
Become a leader and influencer of our ccongrgation’s future. Only members are eligible to vote on issues, such as budgets, chair a committee, and hold office on the Board of Trustees that makes decisions for, represents, and leads our congregation.
♥Greater community impact.
You can add your energy to ours and accomplish things in a community that you cannot do alone. Join our numbers or encourage us to champion your cause. Participate in social justice, humanitarian, and environmental efforts to serve the larger community on the local and global level.
♥Broader social network.
Have fun with us. The greatest treasure that this congregation has to offer is its people. We are a welcoming congregation. Our community can become your loving and accepting, mutually supportive, extended spiritual family. You will have many opportunities to socialize and work on projects with an interesting and diverse group of active, progressive, and open-minded free thinkers. You will also become a member of the international community of Unitarian Universalists.
♥Educational enrichment.
We offer a safe community of caring instructors who encourage questions and exploration. Your children and teens can develop spiritually while learning about world religions, environmental and social issues, compassion, peace, democracy, community, diversity, multicultural values, and much more. As an adult, you can continue your life-long learning by attending our diverse and liberal classes on various aspects of spiritual development.
♥Venue for gifts and talents.
Do what you love and may not get to do in your job or home life. Share your singing, performing, reading, writing, artistic, cooking, gardening, repairing, teaching, nurturing, and other passions and abilities with us. What goes around, comes around. The effort that you expend will return to you.
♥Access to a minister, sanctuary, and grounds.
Rent our beautiful space for parties and milestone events such as birthdays, anniversaries, child dedications, weddings, holy unions, memorial services, and other ceremonies. Avail yourself of our minister who can officiate over these events and provide free access to pastoral counseling.