About us
The best way to know us is to join us for our wide variety of Sunday services
Every Sunday at 11:00am which is also time for Children's Religious Education

Unitarian Universalism
Unitarian Universalism
is the faith of
the open minds,
the helping hands
and the loving heart
Open Minds
We are a diverse community, each of us on our own individual spiritual journey, we share the visions and ideas in a supportive and caring environment. UU is unique in that we are free to form our own belief systems without having to subscribe to any dogma imposed upon us. We draw from the wisdom of many sources including teachings of the world's religions, cultures, and traditions, and the words and deeds of prophetic women and men.
True religious freedom should allow for seeking a place where you feel spiritually moved, but also for personal freedom of thought and expression within the religious organization itself. Our pulpit is an open pulpit and our Minister, and others who speak are free to express their points of view without encumbrances.
Members and Friends of this congregation are welcome to agree or disagree and openly discuss these ideas with each other. While we each develop our own religious and philosophical paths, our unity stems from affirming and promoting some very important universal principles. Among these are the inherent worth and dignity of every person, justice, love, acceptance, and compassion in human relations, the ongoing search for truth, the use of both reason and the democratic process, the importance of community and respect of the interdependent web of all existence of which we are all a part.
We welcome you through our doors to share your personal ideas and visions with us.
Helping Hands
In the words of Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, Past President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA),
"Spirit of Life, gather us together as a family of care and safety and in joy. May we be renewed and strengthened through you this gathering, that we may keep showing up faithfully each day, answering the call to love, answering the call of our values. It is good to be together. May we be nourished by this community and our faith, just as we are nourished by this Earth and the resources on which we depend for life."
Our congregation, in tradition of UU congregations, is a self-governing body. Our congregation alone decides on our actions and directions, and although we have a great source of advice and assistance with the UUA, we do not answer to a higher authority than the members of our congregation. We also have a time in our service to express personal joys and concerns, and our congregation is responsive to the needs of our members and friends.
We also take our helping hands outside our walls, supporting calls for community outreach including social justice, humanitarian and environmental concerns in Broward County and beyond.
Loving Hearts
"Love is the spirit of this congregation." Those are the first words in our covenant that is spoken at every Sunday service.
In the times that the world is facing, love for each other within our world community is essential.
We invite you to connect with us and we look forward to connecting with you. You are welcome here at UUCFL; whatever age, race, class, ethnicity, lifestyle or religious background. The best way to know us is to join us for our wide variety of Sunday services or at other events found in our calendar.